Be Your Own Unique Self

Today I was inspired to celebrate my dear friend’s grand opening of her business: Arise Counseling and Psychotherapy Services LLC, located in TX. As one of her guests, I was honored to be a panel of great coaches and counselors selected to celebrate and showcase...

Mental Health & Self-Care

For the past four months, I have been processing what’s happening in the world today. I’m human and had to take a break. I practice what I preach in life coaching and, as a mental therapist, help to process fears associated with the pandemic and how many are on...

Vision and Future

Today’s Inspiration: I have been thinking lately about my vision and where I see myself in the future. Some people create vision boards; others make promises; I like to write my vision, purpose, and dream down on paper, like a new year’s resolution of...

Move, Move, Move

Today is the day to move. Move your arms, move your legs, move, and be invigorated. During this pandemic, many people have found themselves putting on extra pounds, suffering from anxiety and depression. How about moving? Moving to the beat of your drums by doing the...


Lately, I have been pondering about the future and what I am most passionate about to my clients and me. Looking at oneself, harboring on weakness, or mistakes made in the past keeps you in the past, but focusing on improving who you are by self-evaluation. Moving...

Authentic Self

People today are consumed with day-to-day tasks, activities, and goals where they lose sight of living in the moment. It’s time to slow down, calm the mind and be your authentic self for a moment. Do something you have never done before. Be spontaneous. Be...